Sunday, June 28, 2009

First Weekend in the Apartment!

Sorry for the lack of updates last week, but Mom and Dad were busy moving me into the apartment! All of my stuff that was in storage was delivered on Wednesday and Mom and Grandma unpacked Thursday and Friday. This weekend Mom and Dad unpacked some more, and this morning Dad cooked me my first meal on the new stove (eggs).

After breakfast, we all went over to my former East Village home and cleaned up and put Dan's stuff back where it came from before we moved in nine weeks ago. Thanks for letting me crash at your place, Dan! I really enjoyed my East Village home.

When we got home, something terrible happened-- Mom and Dad gave me a bath in the new kitchen sink! They thought that I fit quite well and that it made bathing me much easier. I disagree and hope that I never get another bath.

After Mom and Dad are finished unpacking they'll help me put together some before and after apartment pictures. Until then, rest assured that I'll be enjoying my home!

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1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    I stumbled upon your blog from a link on a kitchen tour on apartment therapy. Anyway, wondering about your kitchen faucet and sink. We have a small dog also and I need to be able to wash her in the sink and want a spray thing attached to the faucet which yours looked like in the dog washing picture. Anything you could pass on would be appreciated!

    Jennifer (and Rocket)
